martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

G-star raw footwear.

G-Star Raw Footwear is the latest brand to play with the brogue plus Vibram-like sole concept. The trend seems to be filtering further into the mainstream, and these boots will be exclusive to Monobrand stores this fall. Called the “Zypher,” the boot comes in both leather and suede. Complimenting this look, the “Mentor” is essentially your typical brogue (though with some G-Star accent). Both models are deviations of the brands nod to the military of last season and lumped into “The Utility Collection.

1 comentario:

  1. Que lindo...que lindo tu blog es hermoso bueno en especial el video y en reslidad en la vida hay que saber que todo es bueno pero no en exceso....te felicito por haber escogido este tema ...sinceramente la gente de hoy en día a veces exagera en lo hace o dice...ES LO MEJOR ESE TEMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
